Post-Wedding News

19 June 2006 4:48 pm


Since you all have copies of my wedding photos, I will not post them here. Thank you for being there. It was a beautiful wedding because of your loving presence.

It's been two weeks since K left for Seoul. I'm coping fine by myself, but I do miss him. We did manage to spend some money from our wedding ang pows before he left.

We bought a queen-size bed from Barang Barang.

I bought a new pair of glasses, with plastic lenses this time so that they won't break if I drop them.

K bought an iPod.

We spent quite a bit at Redang. We went scuba-diving and we had a nice dinner on our last night there. We also bought souvenirs for the family.

Thank you for your generosity. :-)

And now I'm going to run off and send my wedding dress to the dry-cleaner's. Can you believe I've waited this long to do it? I'm lazy.

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