Here Comes the Rain

05 January 2006 10:52 pm

It's been raining very heavily here. In the morning right up till the early afternoon, the air is warm and humid; you feel sticky and irritated as you go about your business. Then, at around three or four, the sky will burst open and it will pour for hours, sometimes all through the night. It makes it hard for me to go for a run. I've been running fairly regularly now. I've come to enjoy it. I find that it helps me sort out the mess in my head better. Today I decided to brave the rain. I needed to run. I was starting to feel the pounds creeping in thanks to holiday bingeing.

It is twelve weeks till K arrives from New York and then the wedding preparations will be in full swing. Everything is taking shape now. I'm feeling the first faint stirrings of excitement.

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Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
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