If Your Life is a Song...

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 11:27 a.m.

I was intrigued by this quiz that I saw on my recent trip to beautiful serenaville, so I will try it myself here, because it looks challenging and I love challenges, and also because I cannot think of anything else to write about on this wet, grey Thursday morning.

30 minutes later, and after having to do the cop-out thing of actually going to my Tori Amos CD collection to check if I've missed a title that would better answer the question...


Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band/artist: TORI AMOS

Are you male or female: Girl

Describe yourself: Silent All These Years

How do some people feel about you: Crazy

How do you feel about yourself: Strange Little Girl

Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: Cruel

Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Hey Jupiter

Describe where you want to be: Bliss (but I will settle for Pretty Good Year)

Describe what you want to be: Spark

Describe how you live: a sorta fairytale with Little Earthquakes

Describe how you love: 1000 Oceans

Share a few words of wisdom: Enjoy the Silence

Will return when inspiration hits.

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