Wedding Plans Revisited

14 December 2005 5:34 pm

I feel better than yesterday. Perhaps I'll go running. I haven't done it in a week.

K and I had a frank talk about our wedding plans yesterday over the phone. Looking at our financial commitments, it doesn't look like we'll be able to save enough money between now and April to have the wedding that we planned. Solution: we're going to slash our budget by half. This means, among other things, that we're doing away with the marquee for the reception venue, so let's all pray for good weather on our wedding day! If it does rain, we'll just have to squeeze everyone indoors. Perhaps we'll stagger the guest arrivals by breaking up the reception into lunch/tea and dinner, so that at any one time we don't have more than eighty people inside the bungalow. The menu is likely to be wholesome, simple fare like chicken briyani. I doubt that we can afford anything fancier. Honestly, I feel happier rather than sadder having to work with a much-reduced budget. I feel more confident now that we can pay for all the items. Besides, the small budget gives me a chance to be more creative with the money and the space.

I'm going for my run now. I think better when I'm running.

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