Damn you, cicak.

21 December 2004 3:16 pm

I have just fought and won a battle with a baby gecko in my kitchen sink. I hate geckos. I can deal with cockroaches, but not geckos. I know they eat flies that would otherwise bother me, but I hate them.

First I tapped on the sink with an umbrella hoping to scare it away. I thought it jumped up, and I screamed as if I was being hacked to pieces. I imagined it landing somewhere on my body and jumped about like an idiot. Then I discovered that it had not moved a milimetre from its spot in the sink. So I sprayed insecticide on the bugger from a distance of 2 metres. (I know a gecko is not an insect, but they don't sell geckosides, do they?) I waited for it to die. Then I used the same umbrella to turn on the sink tap, hoping that it would go down the drain. Which it did, thank you God You are Merciful.

Another reason to miss K: he saves me from my gecko encounters all the time. I would scream and he would know it was a "Gecko! Kill! Kill! Kill!" scream. He doesn't kill them, he shoos them away, out of my murderous sight.

The important thing is that I survived. Phew.

P.S. "cicak" is Malay for gecko. Pronounced chi-chak.

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