Don't give up on me just yet

21 July 2004 8:06 pm

Would you believe it, I am empty of thought and feeling. I feel weary and numb. I can't think of anything to say. I can think of a million things to think about, though, and that's why I seem to be withdrawing from contact. Let me get through the week. Maybe I will be more eloquent after my weekend getaway (yes, I will just about balance my checkbook in so doing but I am going to treat myself to an island retreat with K anyway). I hope so.

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Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
6 Weeks of Separation - 16 July 2006
Unacceptable Rudeness - 21 June 2006