I'm back

18 December 2004 4:49 pm

Well, I'm back. Got home at 7 last night.

Contrary to what I had expected, we were blessed with beautiful weather in Bintan, sunny and breezy all three days, and just bordering on chilly in the evenings. Not a single drop of rain. I lounged by the poolside on the first day (after doing a few lazy laps around the free-form pool) and finished Michael Connelly's The Narrows. I'm fast becoming a fan of his. On the second day I got a heavenly stress-relieving massage. All the aches on my shoulders and lower back that I got from moving house melted away after that blissful hour of pampering. The last day was spent eating and sitting around enjoying the breeze while waiting for the shuttle bus to take us to the ferry terminal. All's well that ends well. :-)

Today I have officially moved out of the old apartment. We took the last of our things and brought them to the new place after lunch. I really hope things work out well here. I seem to have an asshole of a landlord who's constantly being hounded by creditors, who of course come knocking on the apartment. When we got home, I found a letter from the subordinate court slipped under the door informing him that they would seize items from the house if he didn't settle his debts with some marble supplier. (He runs a renovation company, remember). I panicked because he rented me an EMPTY apartment, every bloody thing that's been here since I moved in is MINE. I had to dig my shoeboxes for receipts as proofs of purchase of all the things I have in the apartment in case the court people come in to take them thinking that they're his. I called him to tell him about it and he asked if I could fax the bloody letter to him. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, ASSHOLE? He must think I have a home office in his shitty apartment, that I can fax shit to him.

How much does he owe his creditors? $400, according to him. What bloody nonsense. I thought it was something in the ballpark of thousands. Just pay up, you stupid fuck.

I'm trying not to get too worked up over the landlord. Maybe I should go shopping. :-)

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