It's Tuesday and I'm home

10 August 2004 2:04 pm

Check out the new look of my design site. That's what I've been up to this morning, after I've had the obligatory breakfast. Meanwhile the TV's been on since I got up, and I caught snatches of dialogue from Days of Our Lives as I tinkered with html codes.

I tell you, the reason why soap operas go on and on ad infinitum is because the characters never properly talk to one another. They let horrible revelations dangle in the air and do themselves in with doubt and fear, but they never actually confront these fears. Instead they wait for things to happen to them, or they do stupid things behind people's backs and make things worse. For instance, if a female character called Helen is told by another character, Joan, that her husband is cheating on her, she will never come storming home to confront him. Instead she will look upset and the camera will make sure we don't miss this emotional turmoil within her for ten seconds using a super slow zoom in. Helen will then go home and see if her husband's acting any differently than before, and secretly check out his drawers (no, not those drawers) when he's at work. Inevitably, he will catch her doing this and feel hurt that she does not trust him, because he is indeed innocent. And because he feels she doesn't trust him, he will become more distant and eventually fuck some bitch, probably Joan. Why can't bloody Helen just talk to her husband in the first place and say, "Honey, Joan says you're screwing someone. Are you?" It'd be easy then to discover that Joan is the home-wrecker bitch and their marriage will be the stronger for having gotten rid of a common enemy.

Unfortunately those annoying moments when questions and revelations are left dangling in the air to make way for a commercial break are precisely why people stay tuned. People are pathetic.

Now I'm going to clean house. That's my exercise for today.

One more thing. Though I least expected it, random people have been dropping by and taking my survey. Thanks! The last time I posted my answers was after 6 people took it, and now I've got 5 more people joining the silliness. If you are one of the new people, I just want to say it's going to take a few more folks before I respond to your questions, because right now it's slim pickings in terms of the most intriguing questions in each category. Apparently some people don't know the difference between intriguing and dumb. If you don't find the survey interesting to begin with, don't take it!

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Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
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Unacceptable Rudeness - 21 June 2006