Who's heard of Tuesday Blues?

17 August 2004 8:26 pm

I'm tired and vexed. So much work to do. I can't even go home and feel free to do whatever I like. It's very annoying.

I did finish my children's story, though. You can read it here. If you give a rat's ass, that is. I don't know about that story now. I think it's crap. But it's crap that has a Beginning, Middle and End, which is more than I can say about the usual crap that I come up with, mostly bits of plot or descriptions of people and things. The completion of the story is my gift to myself today. At least I got one thing done. At least I gave myself an hour of quiet time to myself.

I sure hope everyone else is having or has had a better day. I'm going to curl up and die now.

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