
19 August 2004 5:56 pm

I'm sorry. I realise that my old readers have returned from their hiatus, and that I have a few new ones. Thank you for visiting as often as you do. I appreciate your encouraging notes and continued support.

The truth is I have been unable of late to find the words to capture how I feel because I haven't had time to actually think about me. I have been thinking about my students and how I can help them, about K and how we can build a future together, about the mountains of papers I have to grade and how I'm ever going to clear them all. Somewhere underneath the layers of emotions, after you get past fatigue, disappointment, anxiety, frustration, dread and anger, is a well of unbearable sadness that cannot dry up.

I wear the "mask that grins and lies". I fear that one day when you remove it, you will find nothingness.

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Older entries
Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
6 Weeks of Separation - 16 July 2006
Unacceptable Rudeness - 21 June 2006