
23 August 2004 8:16 pm

So I subscribe to eFitness and today the headline of their daily newsletter screamed at me: Is Stress Making You Fat?. I went, FUCK, YEAH! Why didn't I think of that? Why did I think some vital organ of mine was failing and that I would die a massive bitch at 40? It could just be stress, which means it can be fixed!

Uh, hopefully.

Honestly I've been wondering what the fuck has gone wrong with my body. I don't eat more than I used to, but I just keep gaining weight every month. It's like accelerated menopause. I was expecting hot flashes anytime this week. Why not? The other signs were there: slow metabolism and sudden weight gain. Then I read this in the eFitness article:

Early warning signs of stress:

I checked 9 out of 13. I'm officially off my rocker.

And the solution? Exercise. Fuck. :-)

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