
25 September 2004 10:25 am

Have you ever had a dream so beautiful you didn't want to wake up?

I just did.

I don't remember if the dream had a plot, but I know I was in a car at one point, driving down a long road with startlingly magnificent scenery on my left and right. The most vivid scenery was when I was driving over a sea, and on my right I saw a group of islands in the distance surrounded by water so sparklingly clear and green I wanted to jump out of the car and plunge into it. The sheet of water was calm, broken only by turtles surfacing to breathe. And then I was in a hotel, in beautiful clothes. And just before I woke up, I was saying goodbye to someone, I don't remember who, but someone I used to be very close to, like my cousin whom I haven't seen in years, and when I turned to leave he squeezed my right shoulder gently in a way that made me want to turn around and hold him so that we didn't have to part.

I want to return to that dream.

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