
Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 3:06 p.m.

Something frivolous to celebrate the weekend with.

If I could be any animal I would be ... a cat (much like Awang).

If I could have a famous artiste's singing voice I would like ... Whitney Houston's/ Tori Amos's.

If I could sing just one song with that borrowed voice it would be ... 'If I Ain't Got You' (Alicia Keys)/ 'I Have Nothing' (Whitney Houston). Hey, if you can only have that voice for a day, you might as well show off, right?

If I could go anywhere in the world right now I would go to ... Easter Island. Cos it's the most remote island in the whole world, and those statues, they're so fascinating.

If I could open a bar I would call it ... FU BAR. *grin* Won't even disguise the pun with say, mandarin-collar uniforms for the bartenders.

If I could meet any TV celebrity I would choose ... Gary Dourdan!!! (Better known as Warrick Brown, CSI).

If I could meet any Hollywood celebrity I would choose ... Mike Myers. ("Allow myself to introduce, myself...").

If I had a son I would call him ... Omar.

If I had a daughter I would call her ... Natasha. (Nothing to do with you, Brat - you know who are :-P)

If I was a mythical creature, I would be ... a mermaid. (Think I would say Gorgon? You wish, jerks.)

If I could be the embodiment of an idea, I would be ... Freedom. (And I would be represented by the wind).

If I had to pick one random good feature of my man, K, it would be ... his eyelashes. Long and curly, god so adorable!

If I could go back in time, I would relive ... the time when I scored a decisive short corner goal in a hockey match against rival Hall of Residence, Eusoff Hall, back in uni. The rain was pouring and we were miserable, but the whistle blew immediately after that goal was scored! It felt GREAT to beat those bitches, the closest I got to a great sporting moment. (By the way, I'm referring to field hockey. Here in the tropics, it is ice hockey that needs to be specified.)

13 'Ifs'. Is that unlucky? Who cares. I'm running out of time. Gotta start packing for my dive trip. See y'all on Monday!

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