I have found my Achilles heel

10 December 2004 3:27 am

Forget Friendster or online porn, my favourite time-waster is HTML. It brings out the anal in me. I can spend an entire day staring at codes and experimenting with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and feel happy as a clam about it. This amazes me because I've never seen myself as a computer nerd. The only programs I ever needed on a computer used to be Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Paint and the Calculator, and I'd be pleased with the calculator if it only had '+', '-' and '=' buttons. Ever since I started tinkering with HTML, I've come to appreciate Adobe Photoshop and HTML editing software that have the preview option, because I cannot see the Matrix like Neo, I work only on a WYSIWIG basis.

So I decided to renovate this layout a little. This is inspired by Jeri's new layout, which uses fixed positioning. Jeri, if you think I'm stealing your layout, check my codes. Anyway, I'm moving to that other place soon, so I'm indifferent right now as to what kind of layout I have here. I can always replace it with another layout.

This is a rubbish entry. It should not be written. People should never stay up past 3.00 a.m. They should also avoid writing entries. I'm going to bed.

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