The curtains are drawn

09 October 2004 10:38 pm

Well, this diary is finally locked. I realise after sending usernames and passwords to all you special folks that you guys are the only people who read my shit, because the sum of all of you tallies with my daily stats. So, I guess I won't be shutting anyone out by locking it, right? ;-)

Anyway it's for my peace of mind. I don't want to lead a paranoid existence wondering if some psycho bitch is reading my diary religiously, trying to dig up dirt on me.

Have a good weekend, everyone. I'll write a proper entry later. Making templates now (or at least trying).

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Older entries
Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
6 Weeks of Separation - 16 July 2006
Unacceptable Rudeness - 21 June 2006