Baby Niece

04 October 2004 6:32 pm

This entry is an unabashedly gushing tribute to Baby Niece. (Clueless ones, refer to my Cast page.) If you hate entries about how great children are, read something from my archives, then, or come back again tomorrow.

I cannot believe how much that pretty little girl has grown. She turns 2 come October 19, but my God she is so intelligent. She really amazed me last night, when we had our fortnightly family get-together at my mom's. She could name some colours, like red, orange, yellow, green, pink, blue, black and purple, if you pointed at an object and asked her what colour it was. She recognised the spelling of her name. I wrote her name on paper and asked her what it was and she said her name (Sister 1 told me to). She could count to 5 with her fingers. She knew the names to some body parts like nose (scrunch), eyes (flutter), tongue (stick tongue out) and ear (pull own lobe). When Sister 1 and her husband dropped me off at my place, Sister 1 asked Baby Niece where I was going. We all expected her to say "go home", which she knew how to say. But she said "upstairs", and then we realised that that was exactly how this routine of ours looks to her. My apartment is on the third floor and my going up the stairs would of course be the last thing she sees before the car drives away.

And that sweet baby voice, oh my God. You feel like squeezing her, except you won't, not if you know Baby Niece, because she will yell and dammit, she has powerful pipes, that one. So you wait for her to hug you, which she does these days if she's in a good mood. Or if you bribe her with toys or biscuits (of the suitable-for-kids calcium-rich variety, of course. She is my niece, not Hansel). Finally, there's her simian agility (meant as a compliment). Such well-developed psycho-motor skills. She jumps, climbs and runs surefootedly, and can make us catch her when she deliberately throws herself forward off the couch (a la the trust fall) over and over and over and ...

Oh, I love her. I adore her.

Sister 1 and BiL (Brother-in-Law) are such talented parents. They really spend quality time with her, reading stories and teaching her words and numbers. They must also be blessed with excellent teachers at the hospital day-care centre (Sister 1 is a nurse), for her to learn so much, so fast.

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