New year, new me? We'll see.

04 January 2005 4:03 pm

I have made it a New Year resolution not to yell at my students. Ha, ha, right?

I'm serious.

I want to go to New York next year to work. So I have a year left to teach in this school. I don't want to sweat the small stuff. I will try to be more patient. I will try to seek to understand, and then be understood. I want to work on the quality of my relationships with students. At the end of 2005, I want to have many good memories of my time with them, and if any, only forgettable unpleasant memories.

Actually I did yell at a class today. Because they were no noisy there was no other way I could be heard. I will apologise to them when I see them next. I will also forgive myself. Just because I failed once doesn't mean I should stop trying to keep my cool.

And that's all.

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