Much ado about nothing

07 January 2005 7:48 pm

Unbelievable. The only word to describe the extra-curricular activity recruitment drive I just had in school.

I have 25 new members in my Dance Club. That's the club I'm in charge of in school.

I've been toying with the idea of closing it down because in the past 4 years I've had dismal recruitment figures, on average 3 or 4. At the end of last year I was down to 7 members, 5 of which are pretty good dancers and the other 2 I'm just happy to have because a 5-member group is just too fucking pathetic. Now I have way too many.

It's great, actually, to know that there are kids out there interested in dance. What's not to like? Dance is great. If you can move and groove, you rock. I don't know why I didn't get large numbers of kids joining the club every year. Maybe they're terrified of me. (Remember this entry?) I only ever get on their case if they don't turn up for practice. Maybe I've been getting the wrong members, kids who're not really into dance and just want something easy to do because they're required to have an extra-curricular activity.

I shan't complain. I just hope they're stayers, not quitters. Don't want to leap up and down in joy so soon.

Yeah my entries have been blah. So what? My life hasn't been exciting, and I'm too caught up with work to be inspired to write something witty or thought-provoking. Tough.

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