It's my party, and I can obsess about it if I want to

06 December 2004 6:30 pm

I am ecstatic.

20 people have said they will attend my New Year's Eve party, so far. Woohoo!

Now, how do you fit 20 people, and possibly 10 more, into a 700-square-foot apartment? Ah, should be a cinch. I'll just open the other room, which is empty now anyway, for guests to spill into. I'll have to get more floor pillows, throw cushions and rugs, on top of a dining table and chairs. Ikea, here I come! (Don't knock Ikea on my space, it's the best place for furniture and household items for someone of my means. So there.)

Imagine, Monday without the Monday blues. YEEEEEEEEEAH!

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