Go me.

Sunday, Jun. 27, 2004 8:23 p.m.

So what has all that running and swimming done for my body? I have lost 1.5 inches around my waist. Weight loss is negligible, about a kilo.

No, don't congratulate me yet. All this means is that I'm back to where I was a year ago, which is not as fat as now but still fat. The real test is whether I can keep up this fitness routine once the school term begins, tomorrow.

How quickly the body forgets. I took a 3-day break from running because I was feeling tired and a little under the weather. Today I had a lousy run. I had to stop after 10 minutes, walked three minutes and then continued running for another 15 minutes before I decided to stop and walk all the way home. I just felt tired and I could feel the onset of shin splints. I need to switch to swimming, give my legs a break from all that impact on tar and concrete.

K and I had a grown-up talk about the future today. He's planning to leave for New York by the end of next year, latest, and I should be financially ready by that time to leave Singapore and join him 3 to 6 months after, when he's (hopefully) settled with a job and a place of his own. I would need to have at the very least US$3000 in the bank, which would be just enough to keep me alive for 3 months. And I have to secure a job at the end of 3 months. Otherwise it would be as good as a long vacation because I'd have to go back to Singapore and resume teaching. I don't intend to take 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. If I leave, I want to stay and work in New York for at least a couple of years.

More than ever, I have to be disciplined, with my diet, my fitness programme, my money. The realisation of my future plans depends on it.

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