
17 November 2004 1:21 am

I take it back. I said Shutter wasn't disturbing. It fucking is. I was relating the story to dklwm yesterday evening at our usual coffee hangout and my hairs (and his) stood on ends. The last time a horror movie had that effect on me was after I saw Ringu.

I thought I would be comforted by the fact that the movie is essentially a tale of revenge. Someone is wronged, and the guilty pays the price. Me, I don't think I've done anything wrong to anyone who's since passed on.

But then. But then.

There's the idea of capturing the supernatural through photography. I like taking pictures. I'm just waiting for my big paycheck to come in this December so I can buy a digital camera. I want to be a better photographer. I don't want to capture anything other than my naked eye can see, if you know what I mean. If I have a third eye, I want to know where it is so I can stab it with a chopstick and never be able to see the supernatural. Ever. Ignorance is BLISS.

This I swear to myself: once K leaves for the Big Apple a.k.a. home and I become the lone occupant of my new apartment, I will never watch a horror movie again. Never. And I will slap you hard across the face if you try to scare me by relating horror movie plots within my earshot.

When, if, I think of ghosts I want only to think about loved ones. Not malevolent creatures who are not done with the living and are thirsty for blood. Yours.

DVDs to stock at home: Bridget Jones's Diary, Mean Girls (when it comes out), How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Shrek, Austin Powers 1, you get the idea.

You know a movie is fucked up, and you're a pathetic coward, when a neck-ache makes you imagine the unthinkable.

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