I'm ill

20 November 2004 11:50 pm

I am ill, and that's why this entry is late.

I woke up with a scratchy throat and a hacking cough. My body ached all over and I felt cold. I had to see a doctor. $54 later I left the clinic with cough suppressant, anti-inflammation tablets, throat lozenges and a dose of anitibiotics (of the broad-spectrum variety, according to the label - er, what is that?). I passed out for 3 hours, but not before going to the new apartment to check on the progress of the contractors and doing some cleaning up after they were done. My apartment looks quite, quite lovely now, though still a little bare. I can see myself living there without feeling depressed.

Meds are making me drowsy. Good night. I need to get better for a wedding tomorrow.

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