Don't waste your time reading this.

Friday, May. 14, 2004 4:12 a.m.

I am so tired.

I used to know me. She was fun and she made people laugh and people loved her.

I don't know where she is now. The person inhabiting her body doesn't like to meet people, and stays up all night so that she can sleep away the day, because the day reminds her of how she used to spend it. In that place. With all those people who made her cry but whom she still loves. (Maybe you have turned me into a masochist, Asshole.) She thinks she needs a long vacation. Her doctor thinks she needs Prozac. People think she needs to secure a job first before quitting. People think she should count her blessings too. The daytime is filled with people and what they think. Nighttime is better, especially between midnight and dawn. People are too busy trying to survive or hold on to their dreams and nightmares to tell you what they think. Sleep, sleep, all of you.

Jeri, I think I caught your third-person narration bug. Is there a cure or can I die from it? :-)

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