The subconscious speaks

09 November 2004 7:31 pm

Thanks to my latest discovery, Sazzy's kick-ass diary, I found a raison d'etre for this entry. I will now busy myself with unconscious mutterings. Basically I will respond spontaneously to the list of words below and write my responses next to each word. Here goes:

  1. Small Talk:: petty
  2. Evidence:: never lies
  3. Drifting:: away
  4. Hostage:: crisis
  5. Beauty:: eye of the beholder
  6. Automatic:: response
  7. Asking for it:: he sure does
  8. Visene:: what is that?
  9. No strings attached:: you wish
  10. Frizz:: hate

So apparently this is a good way of bringing repressed thoughts and feelings to the surface so you can grow and be a better person, that kind of shit. Now what have I learned about myself from this exercise, based on my answers? No idea. I was in the mood for a bit of psychoanalytical fun, but not when I have to do all the work. Maybe next time.

Besides, I already know what's making me blue. It's not repressed.

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