
08 November 2004 6:14 pm

What am I doing here?

While I stay here and languish, people around me and other people I know move on. They chase their dreams.

I must chase mine too.

Staying too long in this place can give you an artificial sense of contentment. New policies and initiatives get shoved down your throat, and you choke or get sickened by the stupidity of those who call themselves leaders, but all it takes is for people around you to say a kind word or two, and then you feel better. You tell myself you can carry on. You forget the things that matter most to you, the real work that you want to do, the one that feeds your soul.

I have been lulled.

2005 is going to be an interesting year.

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Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
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