Thursday Thoughts

15 July 2004 3:30 pm

I feel that my life is more balanced now. I have a job, a social life and a private life in the real world, and here in Diaryland, I have my own "scanty plot of ground" (nod to Wordsworth) where I can give voice to some of my private thoughts and sometimes allow my computer geek alter-ego to take over and design a couple of HTML layouts that nobody (save for my friends) will actually use, really. I don't feel so guilty anymore if I don't write an entry. It has become one thing among a list of things that need to be but don't always get done.

I see no point in devoting 2-3 hours into crafting an entry (which I've done before) when I'm ranting to the converted, 23 of them in total, 15 on average. I love these people, and I want to entertain them with my wit if I can, but it's not a job at the end of the day, it's a diary, and diaries record things deemed important to the owner, bad or good.

The bottom line is, it's never good to do too much of one thing. We only have 24 hours, and every minute lost is a minute that can't be regained.

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