
01 July 2004 7:53 pm

I don't get it. I slept 5 hours a day for most of the school vacation, because I was either online late into the night, or catching up on TV shows I never got the chance to watch during term time, watching DVDs or reading. I woke up a little tired but FINE. It's not working now. 3 nights in a row of the same sleep pattern and I'm fucking exhausted. I'm reminded of a line from Wilfred Owen's famous war poem: "Drunk with fatigue". That's my state now.

I want to know what the difference is. Frankly, teaching isn't physically taxing. Yeah, you're on your feet most of the time but you're not sprinting or scaling walls in class, you're just standing. It could be that I'm mentally drained by the end of the school day and it makes me feel more tired. I'm starting to believe in things like psychic energy and aura. The collective apathy and boredom of the student body probably generates a vicious mushroom cloud of negative energy that saps anything within its radius of happy thoughts and physical and mental stamina. I might just pop by that holistic shop at Holland Village for some healing crystals. :-)

Anyhow the Youth Day concert turned out well and my Powerpoint presentation was a hit. Well, that was 3 hours' labour, it shouldn't be anything less than a hit. The amazing thing was that the moment the concert came to an end, it was business as usual, back to lessons and the day continued seamlessly, almost as if the concert and all the laughter that went with it never happened. Weird.

Okay, enough of this daylog. I need to go to bed. Yeah, it's 8.30 pm now. What's your point?

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