This Life, This Moment

21 October 2004 4:25 pm

I miss writing in white heat.

The months of April through June were the most productive for me, as far as blogging went. I could almost always find a topic to write about every day and follow it through. In fact, the criticism I got from reviewers was that my entries tended to be too long. Now all I do is daylog. I have no time to sit and think about what to discuss in my next entry. The term is running to an end and it's a mad rush to get everything done before the kids leave for the school vacation. I'm on autopilot every day. I get up, have my early breakfast before the fast begins, and then it's off to work and mindless admin and class-hopping till the last bell goes, and then more mindless admin. I have no time to be witty and write amusing things. I just can't wait for school to out for the year so I can relax and think about my vacation.

I feel like going someplace really far, like 22-hour-flight far. Sweden. Morocco. Easter Island. Guatemala. I don't want to see students, and not even my colleagues, however much I like some of them. I just want to be AWAY. I want to experience something new, like snow or falling leaves or ancient ruins or even altitude sickness; experiences that are signifiers of being in a foreign country that's culturally and geographically and in almost all other aspects different from Singapore.

Wishful thinking.

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Older entries
Ramadan - 08 October 2006
Where I Have Been - 03 October 2006
Baby Talk - 10 August 2006
6 Weeks of Separation - 16 July 2006
Unacceptable Rudeness - 21 June 2006