Happy Birthday, Sweetiepie

18 October 2004 11:04 am

Baby Niece had a lovely birthday celebration thanks to Favourite Aunt *coughs*, while Grandma (i.e. my mother) kept us adults happy with generous portions of mashed potato, steamed vegs and rinderbraten (roast beef in brown gravy), recipe courtesy of my aunt in Germany.

I got the perfect present for Baby Niece: a wooden xylophone. The sweetie didn't waste any time banging on it gleefully after it was unwrapped and revealed. Sister 1 narrowed her eyes and asked, "Whose idea was it to get that?" Heh, heh. K got her a soft toy, a scruffy lion, which she also liked a lot. Of course I made the mistake of making the lion scale up the back of the couch and fall backwards to the ground once it reached the top, which amused Baby Niece so much that I had to do it again and again, oh about 20 times.

This is Baby Niece's birthday cake:

sweet princess

Pretty, no? It's hard to tell from the picture, but the girl wears her hair in two braids that go down the front of the cake. The cake tasted good too, vanilla sponge with chocolate cream.

I took quite a number of pictures before my camera battery went dead on me. I intend to post them here soon.

Needless to say, I had a great weekend.

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