what's that about an idle mind...?

Monday, Sept. 08, 2003 11:22 p.m.

The week-long September school break is here. I luuurve doing nothing.

Take yesterday, Sunday, for instance. I was up at 10. Had breakfast at 11. Watched TV for 3 hours. Read a book, then fell asleep for 2 hours. Woke up, felt hungry, thought about what to have for dinner. Watched MTV. My sweetiepie decided he would make dinner, spaghetti bolognaise. Had dinner. Watched the Nefertiti special on Discovery Channel. Followed by the Law & Order triplebill on Chsnnel i. Finally, bed.

I know if I keep this up I'll be bored out of my mind in no time, but I've spent ten weeks working my butt off, "moulding the future of our nation", ha ha. I love my job but I need a break, and I'm finally getting one. So I'm going to spend it doing all the things I think about doing but don't have the time to when I am actually working.

Swimming is one of those things. I went swimming today to make up for being a couch potato yesterday. And to lose weight and get back in shape, of course ;-). I love water, the way it caresses you when you slice through it, freestyle, breaststroke, whatever. I also love the way light dances on it in speckles on a bright sunny day. It's so calming, and I get to listen to my thoughts. Also decided to read Neil Gaiman's "Smoke and Mirrors" again. The man really is good with short stories. But his novels (and even some of the Sandman graphic novels) are quite disappointing. But hey, I'm still a fan.

I'm going to call my boo now. He's watching "The Others" on VCD. Wonder which part he's at now...

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