I lost one of my lives today. How many more to go? I forgot. Fucking meow.

31 August 2004 11:29 pm

I learned one thing tonight: if you're going to snoop, you'll get the scoop. But as far as scoops go, you'll probably not like what you read. I understand how celebrities feel about the paparazzi and the tabloids now. You might live a very public life, but that doesn't mean people can take pictures of you stuffing your face or throwing up or snogging someone. If it happened to you, you'd beat the offending motherfucker to within an inch of his/her life (okay, maybe only if you were me), so why should it be different for celebs? And if it's not the pictures, it's the stories. For every scoop that's actually factual, there could be hundreds of tall tales about you engaging in any number of iniquities circulating around. It's best that you don't follow up with the latest dirt on you. You can only be hurt and angry and discouraged.

Curiosity killed the cat. Ignorance is bliss. There's a very good reason why idioms like these have survived.

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