Teacher's Day

31 August 2004 7:20 pm

I had a pleasant Teacher's Day. I wish I had more time with my form class. There was a concert that lasted an hour and a half and then there was only a 20-minute window after that, before we were whisked off for our special lunch at Breeks. I had a lovely class party. My students are really sweet kids. I do love them.

The concert gave me a headache, though. There was just too much noise. Too much loud music and singing and dancing and students in the audience screaming and cheering and jeering. It just made the occasion less dignified, somehow. I'm not complaining. I will never ever forget the song item by two boys from my Lit class. The last thing I expected was for them to break into a 70s Malay ballad. What a priceless moment. Oh, and I won the Most Fierce Teacher (I know it should be Fiercest, but that's how they phrased it) title. It was a landslide victory, I'm sure. :-)

I am home indulging in the silence of an empty house, for once. Peace peace peace. Heaven.

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