
27 November 2004 7:39 pm

What have I been doing? I have been busy moving stuff into the new apartment in bits and pieces and buying stuff at Ikea to doll it up and playing host to my aunt and uncle from Germany, who are staying there while they're in Singapore. I'm frighteningly broke and somewhat worryingly behind time in my work plan, though I have not hit the panicked stage yet. Deep, calming breaths, Widya. In, out, in, out, good.

How quickly the year is drawing to a close. 2 weeks before payday. 3 weeks before my K leaves for New York. 5 weeks before New Year's eve and the kickass party I'm going to throw. Somewhere in between I have to shop for a new wardrobe, because I have not bought clothes in years and there are times when I open my wardrobe and literally have nothing to wear. Depressing. So, minimal savings this December. It's going to be a month of needful spending and paying off of debts. I want to start the new year right, with everything I need and my finances in control. Plan USA must be excecuted by the end of 2005. I must believe in the plan and not drag it out another year. Otherwise I'll never leave.

I have just realised how scary it is to resign from your job. I haven't done it yet, but just thinking about it now makes me a little nervous. I've always thought about it as something liberating, but it's more than that. It's such a final thing, to quit. There's no turning back. Which means I have to get my shit together before I throw in the towel. I don't want it to be a decision I'm likely to go back on.

I had a nice talk with analiana last night about our future and life in general. It was nice to hear from her after so long. She sounds much happier and it makes me really happy. God knows she has been through a lot. Anyway we were both recounting the things that did not go our way in our profession, the things that had made us angry, frustrated, disappointed and jaded when they happened, and for the first time we were able to laugh about it. It felt good. We now see all those unpleasant events as signs from above, God's way of telling us we're not meant to stay in this job. Just because we're good at it doesn't mean we should keep doing it, especially when it makes us unhappy. We're made for other things. Destiny calls. We have made a pact to keep each other upbeat about the future and to laugh as often as we can.

I hope everyone's having a fabulous weekend. No excuse not to!

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