My Sunday

23 January 2005 12:15 pm

Sundays are precious. Now that the civil service gets a five-day work week (FINALLY), I've set aside Saturday for leisure. On Saturday I go out (alone or to meet up with friends), entertain friends at home, curl up in bed with a book and finish it by the evening, cook something more elaborate than an omelette for myself, or watch DVDs. Sunday is when I have to get the things I'm supposed to get done over the weekend done. If I drag my feet and wait till 10 pm Sunday to do it, I'd have to sacrifice my beauty sleep. I'd end up sleeping 3 hours and going to work zombified, as if the weekend never happened.

Obviously, it's happened to me many times. I am the great procrastinator.

I hate bringing work home. I see it as an intrusion on my private space. When I go home I want to feel relaxed and free. Reading and grading 76 horrendously-written essays make my blood boil. Especially when I'm grading an obnoxious kid's essay. You want to give me attitude when you write things like "Many people thinks ..."? Don't make me laugh.

However, work I must. On Sunday, the day God supposedly rested after creating the universe, so the Bible says, or rather so I've heard because I'm not a Christian and have never read the Bible. Mustn't be a sloth and waste Saturday as well as Sunday. Must do laundry, pay the bills online, vacuum the house and iron the clothes too.

So, back to work then.

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