How to have a Fabulous Sunday

19 September 2004 1:25 pm

  1. Wake up with the sun in your eyes, streaming through your bedroom window.
  2. Make yourself a good, hearty breakfast. For me, that means pancakes (with sliced strawberries or banana), turkey bacon, eggs and lots of coffee.
  3. After the dishes are done, go out to the back and water the plants. Examine each pot, see how much the plants have grown.
  4. Watch some TV. Nothing thought-provoking, mindless shit only like anything on MTV.
  5. Write an entry in your diary.
  6. Design a template. I made this today. *grin*
  7. Chill out on the living room couch or in bed with a glass of ice-cold water, preferably sparkling and laced with apple juice. Look out the window and listen to the birds.
  8. Think about lunch and work up an appetite recalling recipes you've always wanted to try.
  9. Put your favourite CD on and sing and/or dance to the tracks. As you make lunch.
  10. Read a book. Preferably something riveting, a page-turner that will kill off 2 or 3 hours easily.
  11. Go for a run or a swim. Or take a walk in the park until the sun sets. Feed the swans.
  12. Have dinner at home. Something flavourful but light.
  13. Soak in a tub of hot water perfumed with luxurious bath grains.
  14. Go to bed early.
  15. << | >>

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